How It Works:

Purchase with Confidence: When you buy a classic car from A&G Auto Sales, you have the option to join our Buy-Back Guarantee program.

Specified Timeframe: Enjoy your classic car for a defined period (typically 12 to 24 months).

Return Guarantee: If you choose to sell the car within the agreed-upon timeframe, we’ll buy it back at a predetermined price, with deductions for any agreed-upon wear and tear.

Hassle-Free Process: We take care of the entire resale process, ensuring a smooth and convenient experience for you.

Peace of Mind on the Road: The A&G Auto Sales Buy-Back Guarantee

At A&G Auto Sales, we recognize that your classic car journey may not always be a straight path. Life can take unexpected turns, and sometimes your dream car may not be the perfect fit for you forever. That’s why we offer our exclusive “Second Gear” Buy-Back Guarantee, giving you peace of mind and flexibility throughout your classic car ownership experience.

Ready for Flexibility and Peace of Mind?

Explore our collection of classic cars and learn more about our “Second Gear” Buy-Back Guarantee program. We’re here to answer your questions and assist you in finding the perfect classic car, all while knowing you have the option to choose a different direction down the road if needed.

Benefits for You:

Enhanced Resale Value: Our commitment to buying back qualified vehicles can potentially increase your car’s resale value within the specified timeframe.
Peace of Mind: Drive confidently, knowing you have a guaranteed exit strategy if your circumstances change.
Explore with Confidence: Enjoy the option of seasonal ownership, experiencing your classic car during specific times and returning it for winter storage or other needs.
Try Before You Commit: Experience the joy of classic car ownership firsthand, with the assurance that you can return the car within a designated timeframe.
Building Trust: This program reflects our dedication to transparency and nurturing long-lasting relationships with our clients.

2310 S Syracuse Way, Denver, CO 80231
All rights reserved. © 2024 A&G Auto Sales.